A1Bits and bytes reference table

Abbreviations like Kb, KB, Mb, and GB are often confused, misunderstood, or used incorrectly. This table lists proper usage.

bitb0 or 1
byteB8 bits
kilobitkb1000 bits
Kilobyte (binary)KB1024 bytes
Kilobyte (decimal)KB1000 bytes
MegabitMb1000 kilobits
Megabyte (binary)MB1024 Kilobytes
Megabyte (decimal)MB1000 Kilobytes
GigabitGb1000 Megabits
Gigabyte (binary)GB1024 Megabytes
Gigabyte (decimal)GB1000 Megabytes
TerabitTb1000 Gigabits
Terabyte (binary)TB1024 Gigabytes
Terabyte (decimal)TB1000 Gigabytes
PetabitPb1000 Terabits
Petabyte (binary)PB1024 Terabytes
Petabyte (decimal)PB1000 Terabytes
ExabitEb1000 Petabits
Exabyte (binary)EB1024 Petabytes
Exabyte (decimal)EB1000 Petabytes