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Compass content strategy gameplan

0. Kickoff

Stage Description and deliverables Dates Contributors
Literature review Understand, summarize, and make plain the work done up to this point by contributors prior to our involvement
  • Literature review
  • Kickoff pre-reading summary
Prior to kickoff Sam Irons
Kickoff workshop Define vision statement, drivers, decision model, project scope, trade-off sliders, early ideas for success, and stakeholder engagement model
  • Workshop synthesis
31 Mar 2021 Core team members and senior stakeholders

1. Wonder - 07 Apr – 23 Apr 2021

Stage Description and deliverables Dates Contributors
Success metrics Outline the goals, signals, and measures we’ll use to judge success of Compass content
  • Workshop synthesis
07 Apr 2021 Core team members and senior stakeholders
Competitor analysis Investigate best practices and market trends
  • Competitor and landscape review
29 Mar – 09 Apr 2021 Content team
User behaviors Review analytics & qualitative feedback to identify opportunities and define user mindsets
  • Analytics and qualitative insight summary
  • User archetypes
29 Mar – 09 Apr 2021 Content team
Author journeys Define current authoring journey for Atlassian content
  • Author journey map
  • Author pain points and opportunities
12 Apr – 23 Apr 2021 Sam Irons
Jobs to be done Based on what we know of the user problems and opportunities, define jobs stories
  • Workshop synthesis
12 Apr – 23 Apr 2021 Core team and senior stakeholders

1.1 Wonder playback and pulse check

Host a playback of vision, archetypes, success metrics, and prioritized job stories with wider Compass team.

Host a checkpoint meeting with core team and senior stakeholder to decide if we're ready to move into the Explore phase.

Explore – 05 May – 29 May 2021

Stage Description and deliverables Dates Contributors
Current state mapping Map out the workflows for our key journeys as they are currently
  • Current key content journey maps
  • Pain points and opportunities
13 May 2021 Core team members and product team representatives
Begin core documentation execution 17 May
Ideation Use divergent thinking to imagine the future and explore ideas to satisfy pain points and opportunities in our key journeys
  • Ideation workshop
  • Ideation sythnesis
19 May 2021 Core team members and product team representatives
Future state experience Map out the future-state end-to-end content experience based on our key identified journeys
  • Ideal content journey map
24 May 2021 Sam Irons
Vision Visualize the ideal experience and provide indicative screens/mocks to direct future iterations
  • Short term vision
24 May – 04 June 2021 Sam Irons
Platforms Evaluate the publishing platforms and channels we’ll use to deliver the experience
  • Requirements for publication platforms
  • Comparison, pros and cons of publishing platforms through the lens of our vision
  • Formal decision for publishing platform
17 May – 26 May 2021 Sam Irons
Delivery Document the resources required and current gaps for delivering on our vision
  • Content resourcing summary and gap analysis
  • Content staffing models
  • Content maintenance resourcing approaches
31 May – 04 June 2021 Sam Irons
Indicative content creation Create examples of indicative content journey for 1 key journey
  • Concept creation
17 May – 04 June 2021 Core team members
Concept testing Test lo-fi content concepts for usability with internal stakeholders
  • Card sort activity
  • Tree testing
17 May – 04 June 2021 Content team

2.1 Exploration playback and pulse check

Host an Explore checkpoint meeting with core team and have a go/no-go discussion to move into our Make phase

Host a playback of explorations and a walk through of our vision.

3. Make - 07 June - 25 June 2021

Stage Description and deliverables Dates Contributors
Documentation roadmap Generate a roadmap of prioritized content deliverables
  • Jira tickets and roadmap
  • Documentation priorities per milestone
17 May - 28 May 2021 Content team
Content creation Write and polish all in-product and support content needed to support open beta goals
  • Jira tickets
17 May 2021 + Content team
Content strategy Coalesce and define content strategy to guide content creation
  • Content strategy document
31 May - 11 June 2021 Sam Irons
Documentation IA Outline the structure of developer and end-user documentation
  • Information architecture spec
31 May - 11 June 2021 Content team
Stage and blitz Publish content to staging environments and bug bash
  • Staging
  • Content blitz
25 June 2021 + Content team

3.1 Make playback and pulse check

Host a go/no-go decision for publishing content and making it available to customers.

Impact - 25 June 2021 and ongoing

Stage Description and deliverables Dates Contributors
Content health Periodically assess and address the health of our content
  • Content dashboard review
  • Documentation feedback tickets
  • User research trends and findings
  • Support trends
Fortnightly Content team
Experience quality Periodically review and file UI/UX bugs for content and development teams to polish our experiences
  • End-to-end content journeys
Fortnightly Content team

4.1 Impact and health metrics

Host a quarterly retrospective with leadership regarding content implementation and team health.

Host fortnightly content team retrospectives.